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We provide 世界杯官方app’s advancement professionals and academic leaders with a variety of custom trainings, 专业发展工作坊, 以及协作体验.

We will empower you to better understand the world of fundraising in higher education, offering expertise from 世界杯官方app Advancement and Alumni 参与ment and other entities.

We can strengthen our culture of philanthropy across the 世界杯官方app community and further drive our university toward a bold future together.


The 世界杯官方app 发展研究所 offers education and training geared toward enhancing your skills as an Advancement and Alumni 参与ment professional involved in all aspects of philanthropy and 订婚.

Academic leaders and university partners will be invited to participate in select professional development events throughout the year.



Weekly open house hosted by members of Advancement Services. This session serves as an opportunity for AAE members to ask specific questions about NXT, 投资组合, 礼物记录, 和更多的. Specialized trainings will be offered periodically; topics will be shared in advance.


speaker giving speach infront of donor relations

Join sessions covering a variety of topics such as managing donor 投资组合, 与教师合作, discussing gift agreements with donors, and incorporating digital donor 订婚.

咖啡 & 勇敢的谈话

Participate in engaging discussions that help build a sense of belonging for all employees while enhancing 订婚, 满意度和生产力.

Details on our next event are coming soon.


Giving USA Annual Report on Philanthropy 2024

加入Josh Birkholz, CEO and Co-Owner of BWF and Chair of Giving USA, as he presents on the 2024 Giving USA report. Learn how these stats and details can help your nonprofit strategy and gain insight into unique trends.

2024年6月25日|美国夏令时下午1:30 - 2:30

The 500 Million Dollar Question: Is Your Donor Experience Helping You Build Your Base?

在这个网络研讨会上, we'll talk about setting up your 订婚-first base- level giving program - from the team, 工具, 以及发展观众的策略, 市场营销, 衡量成功.


Lessons in Leadership: Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Allyship

Join us for a webinar focused on defining mentorship, 赞助, and allyship in higher education leadership. This event allows participants to hear from a panel of higher education experts as they discuss lessons learned through their careers.


RNL National Alumni Survey and ‘Future of Advancement Work’ Industry Conversations

A review of market research results and key findings.

2024年7月16日|美国东部夏令时12:00 - 1:00

Donor AI for All: The Universal Approach

Join us as we answer these questions and demonstrate an exciting new solution that takes the guesswork out of AI. This webinar will reveal three ways BWF can deliver Predictive AI:

  • 识别前景
  • 管道和项目组合管理
  • 活动策划及管理

2024年7月17日|美国东部夏令时12:00 - 1:00

From Silos to Synergy: Creating a Unified Strategy for Operations and Fundraising

Join us for a transformative session for nonprofit leaders—from operations to executive management. This webinar delves into the essential role of strategic planning and effective data use in elevating fundraising and overall organizational success.

July 30, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM CDT

Navigating Difficult Donor Situations

Most fundraisers have experienced an uncomfortable, offensive, or harmful donor interaction. This cannot just be seen as “part of the job” but rather something that is addressed to create a culture and systems that build brave spaces.

July 30, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM CDT


Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Resources

Access on-demand webinars, subject guides, samples, articles, 和更多的.

Evertrue: 10 Ways AI will change Advancement

Learn about the impact that AI will have on your work in advancement.


Explore webinars, blogs, samples, and so much more to help enhance your work in advancement.


Learn about your strengths as well as the strengths of your colleagues to help enhance communication, 订婚, 总体工作满意度.


我们的认证优势教练, 凯西Kersten, interviews leaders who have leveraged the power of CliftonStrengths to achieve personal and professional success.



Participate in professional development programs offered to all advancement professionals, from entry-level newcomers to senior executives.

世界杯官方app People Excellence Professional Development

Explore a variety of training on topics such as leadership, personal and professional development, 计算机技能, 管理能力, 安全, 和更多的. Sessions are offered in-person, virtually, and on-demand.


Access a variety of courses, explore best practices, and gain new knowledge.

Do you have suggestions for additional training topics?

电子邮件 our Senior Director of Advancement Talent Management, 吉纳维芙托拜厄斯,以获取更多资讯.